Time to complete: 3.5 hours

Number of credits hours:
CE Approvals
Course Notes
Lumate Inc. is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.
Lumate Inc. maintains responsibility for this program and its content. 
Format and Length:
Recorded video format (non-interactive, 2.5 hours)
Recorded audio format (non-interactive, 1.0 hour)

Topic Area:

Diagnostic assessment and treatment planning

Instructional Level:

Who Should Attend:
Behavioral health professionals including social workers, counselors, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, psychiatrists, etc.

Financial Disclosures:
The instructors are employees of Lumate Health and do not receive financial support for this course. 
Dr. Albano reports the following disclosures: 
  • Paid advisor and equity share from Lumate Health, a for-profit youth mental health treatment provider​
  • Publication Royalties from Oxford University Press​
Dr. Detweiler reports the following disclosures: 
  • Nothing to disclose
Dr. Olivo reports the following disclosures:
  • Nothing to disclose

Refund Policy:
Please refer to our policy page regarding attendance, refunds, grievances, and accessibility, and other frequently asked questions.
Anne Marie Albano Ph.D., ABPP, is the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CUCARD) Professor of Medical Psychology in Psychiatry. She received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Mississippi. Anne Marie is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA), Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, and is Board Certified in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Anne Marie was the recipient of the 2015 ABCT Award for Outstanding Contributions by an Individual for Clinical Activities, and established by a grateful donor, ABCT offers an annual award in her name for a member early in their career and demonstrating excellence in the integration of science and practice. Upon her retirement from Columbia University, the CUCARD Professorship will be renamed after her. 
You can read more about Dr. Albano here.

Sarah Olivo, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist who believes that empathy, collaboration and a sense of humor are the bases for any good therapy. Sarah is a staunch believer in evidenced-based psychology and has worked diligently to become fluent in many forms of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). In short, Sarah’s approach has rigorous research at its core, and she continually seeks out training opportunities so that she can be on the front lines of the most modern and effective treatments. Sarah brings over 20 years of clinical experience when helping her clients get the changes they want out of their lives, as quickly as possible. Her goal as the Head of Lumate Academy is to help spread CBT far and wide so that children, teens and young adults with less access can start making these changes as well.
You can read more about Dr. Olivo here.

Michael Detweiler, Ph.D.
, served for over twenty years as an Active Duty Clinical Psychologist in the USAF, prior to joining Lumate. He had prolific career that spanned the globe working at nearly every level of that organization. As a staff psychologist, he ensured the wellbeing of troops and their family members, ultimately earning the USAF Psychologist of the Year Award. As a Commander, he led individuals and hospital units to peak efficiency, acing several inspections and netting multiple awards including the USAF Clinic of the Year Award. As a Staff Officer at Medical Headquarters he drove medical policy for the Air Force and played a pivotal role in the development of the Department of Defense’s Behavioral Health Data Portal and in the launch of the military’s new electronic health record. As one of only a handful of child and adolescent clinical psychology specialists, he ensured the delivery of federally mandated special education services to the children of Service Members living overseas. He was a driving force in the planning and execution of the first US/UK Military Mental Health Symposium, lauded by top British and American Commanders. Michael deployed twice in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
You can read more about Dr. Detweiler here. 
Proper knowledge of diagnostic criteria for anxiety disorders is essential to creating effective and efficient treatment plans for youth who are seeking treatment. Use of structured and semi-structured diagnostic interviews enhance the validity of diagnoses, and the ADIS-5-C/P is a well-validated and researched semi-structured diagnostic interview for children and adolescents who present with anxiety symptomatology, and it has been used as the diagnostic standard for seminal child anxiety treatment trials. Participants will learn key symptom profiles for each of the childhood anxiety disorders, as well as symptom profiles for disorders that are present in childhood and/or are commonly comorbid with anxiety. They will become familiar with symptom severity ratings as well as methods for ascertaining level of interference and distress for discrete diagnoses with with a child interviewee and parent interviewee(s). Participants will see Dr. Albano role-play common diagnostic scenarios that occur during interviews, methods for appropriately assessing a developmental and clinical timeline, and feedback sessions for children and parents describing results of the intake. Participants will then become familiar with CBT case conceptualization for child and adolescent anxiety, list the key elements of S.M.A.R.T goal setting, and utilize collaborative methods for defining S.M.A.R.T. goals with patients.

Learning Objectives:

List key symptom profiles for anxiety and depressive disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents as defined by DSM-5

Identify the presence of primary and secondary disorders in youth with accuracy and use diagnostic impressions to inform case conceptualization and diagnosis-specific treatment plan

Conduct collaborative treatment and exposure planning using key elements of S.M.A.R.T. goals paired with cognitive behavioral case conceptualization of anxiety disorders 

Albano, A.M. & Silverman, W.K. (2023). The Anxiety and related Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM5-Child and Parent Versions. New York: Oxford University Press.  

Silverman, W.K. & Albano, A.M. (2023). Guide to the use of the Anxiety and related Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-5-Child and Parent Versions. New York: Oxford University Press. 

Christon, L. M., McLeod, B. D., & Jensen-Doss, A. (2015). Evidence-based assessment meets evidence-based treatment: An approach to science-informed case conceptualization. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 22(1), 36–48.  

Youngstrom, E. A., Choukas-Bradley, S., Calhoun, C.D., & Jensen-Doss, A. (2015). Clinical guide to the evidence-based assessment approach to diagnosis and treatment. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 22(1), 20–35.